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Prose Rejections



______, thank you for sending us your work. We appreciate the chance to read it, but it's not right for us at this time.

Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep being awesome. And best of luck placing this elsewhere.

We kindly ask that you wait one month before submitting again. Submissions that do not follow this guideline will be replied to unread.


The Editors


2021 & 2022

Name, thank you for sending us your work. We appreciate the chance to read it, but it's not right for us at this time.

Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep being awesome. And best of luck placing this elsewhere.

Sincerely, The Editors

Higher Tier


[Name], thanks for sending this our way. We're going to pass on this submission, but we really enjoyed reading it, and we encourage you to send more work to us in the future. This is not our standard rejection. Thanks again. Sincerely, The Editors

Poetry Rejections



—, thank you for sending us your work. We appreciate the chance to read it, but it's not right for us at this time.

Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep being awesome. And best of luck placing this elsewhere.

We kindly ask that you wait one month before submitting again.


The Editors


Higher Tier


Name, thanks for sending this our way. We're going to pass on this submission, but we really enjoyed reading it, and we encourage you to send more work to us in the future.

This is not our standard rejection.

Thanks again.

Sincerely, The Editors