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Poetry rejections



Dear first-name,

Thank you for submitting "[Title]" to Pidgeonholes. We gave the pieces careful consideration, and while we are not accepting them for publication, we hope you find a better fit for them elsewhere.

Many thanks for trusting us with your work.

Kindest regards,

Jennifer Todhunter Editor-in-Chief, Pidgeonholes


Dear [first name],

Thank you for submitting '[title]' to Pidgeonholes. We gave the piece careful consideration, and while we are not accepting it for publication, we hope you find a home for it soon.

Many thanks for trusting us with your work.

Kindest regards,

April Bradley

Associate Fiction Editor

Prose rejections



Dear [first name],

Thank you for submitting "[title]" to Pidgeonholes. We gave the piece careful consideration, and while we are not accepting it for publication, we hope you find a home for it soon.

Many thanks for trusting us with your work.

Kindest regards,

Jennifer Todhunter

Editor-in-Chief, Pidgeonholes