Barcelona Review

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Prose Rejections


Dear —:

Thank you for the opportunity to consider "—" for publication in The Barcelona Review. Unfortunately this piece wasn't quite right for us. We wish you luck in finding a home for this story and hope that you consider us in the future.

All the best,

Dona E. Bowens

Asst. Editor



Dear —,

Thank you for your submission of 'On the Bus' to The Barcelona Review. I'm afraid it did not quite hit the mark with our reader, but she felt the prose was strong. Her comment to me, for what it's worth: '—'

I wish you the best of luck elsewhere. Please feel free to submit with us again. Just give us until the first of next year as we work to catch up with our current submissions.

All best,


Dear —,

Thank you for your submission of "—" to The Barcelona Review, and apologies for the delay in responding. I'm afraid this piece is not quite for us, but the prose is good and strong. I wish you the best of luck with it.

Please feel free to submit with us again, any time. We'd love to read more of your work.

All best, Jill

The Barcelona Review --