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Fiction rejections



Thank you so much for submitting your fiction piece to our editors here at Windmill. This season we received so many fantastic submissions, and we had a difficult time making selections. Unfortunately, we will not be including your piece in this year’s print edition of Windmill.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your story for publication in our journal. Do not be discouraged from submitting to us or other journals in the future. As writers and readers ourselves, we understand the time and dedication that you put into your work. Keep your eye out for future submission dates, as we would love to hear from you again.

All our best,

Nicole Dykeman & Kira Turetzky Managing Editors Hofstra Windmill


Dear —,

Thank you so much for sending us ”—” to be considered. It was an honor to have the opportunity to read so many smart, funny, poetic, touching works and we find ourselves without the room to take many works we really enjoyed. We are sorry to say that at this time, your submission won't work for our needs, but we do hope you will submit again. Please check our website for a list of upcoming themes for our digital issues.

We would also encourage you to send in a post for Winded, our blog for and about writers and all things writing. Please take a look at some of the previous posts on our website to get a sense of tone and topic - and email blog posts to [email protected].

Sincerely, The editors at Hofstra University - Windmill