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Poetry rejections



Dear First Last,

Thank you for allowing storySouth the opportunity to consider your poems. We have read your work carefully, but unfortunately we must pass at this time. We regret that the volume of submissions we receive and the small size of our staff prevent us from giving a more personal response, but we hope you will consider submitting to us again.

We wish you the best in placing your work elsewhere.


The Editors storySouth

Higher Tier

Thank you for your patience and for allowing storySouth to consider your poetry submission. We have read your work carefully, but must decline to publish. Our readers responded positively to your poems, and we hope that you will submit to us again.

We wish you the best in placing your work elsewhere, and we thank you for your support of storySouth.

Sincerely, Julie Funderburk Poetry Editor, storySouth


Thank you for allowing storySouth the opportunity to consider your poems. We have read and discussed your work carefully, but unfortunately must pass at this time. Our staff found much to admire in your submission, and we hope that you will try us again soon.

We wish you the best in placing your work elsewhere, and we thank you for your support of storySouth.

Sincerely, Emily A. Benton Poetry Editor, storySouth