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Prose Rejections

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Dear [name],

Thank you for sending us '[title]'. We understand that much time and effort goes into the literary realization of a creative thought, and we sincerely appreciate the chance to read your work. Although your piece was not selected for publication this time, we are grateful for your participation in Lazuli Literary Group’s writing community!

We earnestly regret that we do not yet have the resources to respond to each submission individually, but we can assure you that each piece was considered with careful deliberation. Our decisions ultimately come down to taste and style, which is wholly a subjective matter and should absolutely not be construed as commentary on the value of your piece. Just as one opts for certain books (and not others) from a vast shelf, we choose the works that are most personally compelling to us, fully recognizing that others are of equal merit, standing in wait to dazzle another potential reader. After all, we think providing a space for the diversity of taste is precisely what makes the array of literature beautiful!

If you are interested in submitting a second piece that may be a better fit for us, you are absolutely welcome to. You can get a sense of our style from our submissions guidelines page and, of course, from past issues (all free online).

To continued success in your writing life!

Best regards,

Sakina B. Fakhri

Co-Founder | Editor

Lazuli Literary Group | AZURE: A Journal of Literary Thought